Saturday 18 December 2010

One week to Xmas... Then One more day to Blast Off :0$

Yup.  Only 8 days remaining and it's been a full week since my last post...  So what's different..?

Well... Having been through the rushy, dropping headlong into the endless pit bits, I've managed to do some actual preparation in between attempting to fix the car and working very, very, long hours.  Sourcing equipment and clothing had been difficult with a limited budget but I already own a decent jacket, gloves, trousers and boots.  Still don't have any waterproof troosers but I should have that sorted by tuesday.  And my glow in the dark Poncho, Bivvy Bag, Chestpack and numerous other bits and bobs should be here by then too, having been ordered online last week.  Some of the large carriers aren't running trucks to Scotland this weekend but that should be sorted in time.  Would have been nice to get a good training run in this weekend with a full pack but I'm not complaining...

For my reference, in case I forget to bring or have just plain omitted anything; and for anyone else who likes lists of stuff, here's my list of stuff for the trip...

Cycling Poncho (Lots of room for me, bags and legs...)
Moah Snowboard Jacket (Warm enough, waterproof enough, enough pockets and importantly, very comfortable)
3 Pairs Gloves -  Snowboard mitts, flappy fingerless or not ones and a pair of nomis grippy leather ones for holding onto my poles and eating up the miles
3x Hats - 2 woollen beanies (one's very bright and Pink!) and a baseball cap
Time to Change T-shirt  (Pledges now Please!!!)
2x Thermal long sleeved tops
2x Thermal Short Sleeved tops
Right said Fred Vest
2x Shirts
2x Trousers  + 1 additional pair of snowboarding trews for if the weather turns really wet and manky
Waterproof Over Trousers
7x Pants, Knickers, G-strings
8x Socks - 5 thin running type, 3 thicker but not so thick that they start to cause my feet problems
2x Rohan Quebec, Boots, one well worn in the other brand spanky and waiting to taste tarmac
Scarf because Doctor Who always has one and he can get out of a pickle nae bother...

First Aid/Emergency Kit
Knife Sharpener
Zinc Oxide Tape
Corn Plasters
Sticking Plasters
Petroleum Jelly
Neutrogena Hand Cream
Baby Powder
Ibuprofen, mega strength
Codeine, mega strength
Vit C (energy)
Vit B Complex (energy)
Calcium/Magnesium (energy)
Zinc (hormone support)
Selenium/Co Enzyme Q10 (Immune support)
Bromelain (Digestive/anti inflammatory)
5HTP (helps produce quality sleep - seeing as I only have a couple of hours available to do so during each rest, it'd better be damned good sleep!)
Creatine (levels of the enzyme that deal with Creatine will go sky high so a little each day should give it something to work with)
Cod Liver Oil for Vit D
Fishermans Friends to keep my airways clear so I can keep on singing as I go...
2x Emergency Flares and 2x Emergency flare torches, the ones you hold that make pretty colours and fizz while they burn - Ain't no Zombies or them Werewolves gonna get me in the dark!!!
4x Glowsticks because I haven't been raving for years :0p

Other bits & bobs
Binoculars - the only luxury I'm allowing myself purely for the sake of it
Video Camera & Spare Battery
Sony K850i for stills photos and use as backup phone
HP iPaq for blogging, updates. mapping, GPS and even as a phone
Creative Zen nano MP3 player and voice recorder with top shelf Sennheiser in ear headphones
Freeplay 12v Wind-up charger so I can charge up the bits that can use a 12v adapter
Freeplay ZipCharge for more juice, to be charged at service stations etc - but might actually be chargeable from the Wind-up, but I have to experiment to find out how best to use them both
Quechua Sleepmover sleeping bag (Move over slankets... this is the best 'thing' in the world ever!!!)
Ex HM Forces Goretex Bivvy Bag
Survival Liner for Bivvy Bag, shiny and gold...
Nordic Walking poles - light, easy to use and pack away when not in use
Lots of small LED powered lights in Red and White, more so that other people can see me than me seeing in the dark
Slap on Strap on reflective bands for arms and legs
Gaiters for lower legs
Waterproof Hi Vis Rucksac cover
Reflective tape
Reflective stickers, some have little smileys on them, for sticking about my person, again so I don't get hit by traffic
Sharpie pens
A Fork
Various sized Carabiners

Oh, and all carried in my Eastpack Skateboarding Rucksack (lots of straps and cubbyholes) and a Snowbee Chestpack/Bumbag which is clipped onto the front of the Eastpack to balance it over my shoulders and keep it high at the back so I can maintain the right posture and not end up in lots and lots of pain afterwards...

And possibly a brolly.

And I forgot my washbag, D'uh!

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