Wednesday 8 December 2010

Starting at the beginning's boring... Right..???

Day - 18

Ironically that's probably the temperature right about now in degrees celsius.  Freezing would be an understatement, unless you attribute it to a compound or element other than water... So In terms of Oxygen or Carbon Dioxide it's fairly balmy, while more commonly referring to water - it's bloody cold alright!

Anyway - that has nothing to do with the story so far.  Things have happened, emails flown back and forth all over the place but more importantly, while I was away trying not to die, and trying not to let other people die due to the incredible, extraordinarily cold weather - a small package arrived at the house.  In it I found a number of leaflets, postcards, a newsletter and also a very large T-Shirt.  It was sent by Jenny @ Time to Change, so I can get on and do the job of publicising the campaign before and during my little journey.  I now have in my possession, an unsigned postcard of Frank Bruno!  That's properly cool, he's a top bloke by any account of people I've met who've met him, and he was the first person to rock Mike Tyson in the ring (remember, Mike was at his prime then)!  Anyways... the T will look on top of all the layers I'll need to stay warm, which is exactly why when she asked what size, I said "X-Huge!". The point being of course that I can keep the message on display for the duration - I'm going to get my hands on one of those backpack covers and a poncho, get the logo and other bits printed on them so that nobody misses that all important point in the dark or when it's raining cats and dogs...  Must remember to have a name tag sewn into all items before I go swimming... or something...

I took my first strides in training last night - very unexpectedly.  The car developed a bit of a temperature (I think the heating element has popped in the cold) so, rather than waiting for a bus, then swapping buses to get home about 3 hours later, I decided that the camel's back was well and truly broken and stropped off into the night.  Despite the best efforts of Edinburgh City Council  to turn all pavements in the city into something akin to an Icy Beach, I managed to stumble, slip, slide and fall 12.5 miles before I stood at the right bus-stop at the right time...  I looked up ahead of me, read the sign which said '86', looked behind me and the '86', was about 100m away.  This, I thought, is Jung's synchronicity in action!  Right place, right time and wearing absolutely the wrong boots, the bus stopped, I parted with some hard earned, and training no.1 was done.  I did remember to have a damned good stretch (which must have looked odd to say the least), and then as my body temperature dropped we headed off towards home, slightly blistered, with a sore shoulder, ankle and medial cruciate ligament.  The knee that I've been afraid is going to blow one day, showed no signs of pain, even today, and the only lasting niggle is a blister just behind my right big toe.  Happy Larry :0)

As there was no way I was going to work today I've been beavering away trying to confirm the route, responding to requests and I did get a very nice email from Brian Blessed's agent saying, "Brian says Go For It!".  He added that he (the agent) says, "Keep Warm!".  

On that note - wrap up if you's going out and look out for buses!

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